加藤賢一 データセンター

March 2000

Science and Technology Center


 本論文はわが国の科学館・科学技術館を広く紹介する目的で、筆者と三輪克氏(当時名古屋工業大学および日本博物館協会)により執筆され、2000年3月の全国科学博物館協議会総会に合わせて全国科学博物館協議会により Science Museums in Japan のタイトルで発行された小冊子の元になった原稿のうち、加藤が担当したものをご紹介しています。
 なお、刊行された Science Museums of Japan はまだ残部がありますので、ご希望の方は全国科学博物館協議会(事務局:国立科学博物館普及課)か、筆者までお問い合わせください。

----------   Contents  ------ Pege ---  Autor--------Citation ---------------
1.History and Outline               1        Kato         Cited in this Web page
2.Exhibits                             5        Miwa
3.Activities                           8        Kato         Cited in this Web page
4.Organization and Staff          13        Miwa         
5.Building and Facilities          13        Kato         Cited in this Web page
6.Management                        14        Miwa
7.Service Facilities                15        Miwa
  Appendix                            16        Kato         Cited in this Web page
   Internet Web Sites

1.History and Outline

1-1. Brief history of Science and Technology Centers in Japan

    It was 1937 that the name of "science center" debuted on the stage of the museum community in Japan. The first science center was Osaka Science Center for Electricity belonging to the Department of Electricity, Osaka City Government. After the operation of 52 years, it closed the door in 1989.
   Until then, science-oriented museums were present also in Japan. Japanese New Government, immediately after the Meiji Restoration of  1868, founded the Museum Department under the Ministry of Education and a first western style museum in Tokyo at the same time. In 1887, the first museum was renamed as Educational Museum and began to cover the scientific objects. This was the predecessor of the present Japanese National Science Museum in Tokyo. After the appointment of  Gentaro Tanahashi, who was professor of biology at the University for Higher Education, as director of the Educational Museum, he stressed the importance of enlightenment and education for citizens and he aimed the transformation of the Educational Museum into science museum. Then, he created Department of Social Education where contained sections of natural resources, samples of making process of materials with higher values, scientific instruments, models of machines, astronomy, geology, public health, and others, and introduced many kinds of so-called hands-on exhibits. This was the first attempt of experience-oriented exhibit in this country. In 1915, he carried out the temporary exhibition "Prevention against Cholera", because many people perished from cholera at that moment. This was also a first temporary exhibition in Japan. The Educational Museum changed the name to Tokyo Science Museum in 1931. As a result, Gentaro Tanahashi achieved his goal of establishing a science museum in Japan. After the World War II in 1949, Tokyo Science Museum was renamed to the present name, i.e., National Science Museum. Although the National Science Museum introduced new hands-on exhibitions and special exhibits for younger children in the 1980s, it should be classified as a traditional comprehensive science museum of object-oriented. The National Science Museum operated by the Ministry of Education is now on the position of leader of the community of science and technology museums including science centers in Japan.
  Until the appearance of the first science center in 1937, easily countable number of science- and technology-oriented museums came into the field of museums in Japan : the Mineral Museum of Akita University (1910), the Railway Museum (1921), the Labor Science Museum (1923), and the Electricity Museum belonging to Tokyo City Government (1925). Under the circumstance, Osaka Science Center for Electricity was born as a science center with planetarium and contemporary experiment-oriented exhibitions. It was never a traditional science museum. The publication of 20th year anniversary (1957) says that

    In spite of the rejection of historical objects, we displayed the exhibitions which present
    some suggestions from present to future and functions useful for our dairy life.
    "Moving" was adopted in all the exhibitions in order to help the understanding of their
    structure or mechanism for visitors.

In this way, the founder named the new type educational institution without historical materials as a science center (in Japanese Kaguku-kan, whereas science museum is described as Kagaku-hakubutukan). This is just the same as a modern definition of science- and technology-centers and science museum. However, unfortunately, this does not mean that physical science or technology museums with objects of historically higher values were present anywhere in Japan.
  After the World War II, science centers were founded anywhere in Japan. The numbers of new science centers opened in every 10 years are as follows owing to my own statistics (K. K.) :

  11  (1946-1955),
  22  (1956-1965),
  17  (1966-1975),
  19  (1976-1985),  and
  25  (1986-1995).

The fast pace increasing number of science centers in these periods had a close relation to the status of industry and the related economical environment. The Ministry of Education and the Board of Education under local governments promoted the science and technology center movement because it was regarded to be effective in level up of the educational achievement for young people and in furthering public understanding in science and technology. This is one of the reasons that many science centers with the name of "children's" or "for children" are present today.
   The Science and Technology Agency, a ministry of Japanese Government, founded the Japan Science Foundation in 1956 for furthering public understanding in science and technology, in particular atomic nuclear power generation and space exploration. The Japan Science Foundation is a great sponsor of the Science Museum in Tokyo (opened in 1964), the Nagoya Municipal Science Museum (1962), and the Osaka Science and Technology Center (1963). They were biggest science centers in Japan and still now they are.

1-2. The Present Status of Science and Technology Centers in Japan
   A 1993 survey conducted by the Japanese Association of Museums (Seki, 1997) shows that there are 3704 museums and related institutions in Japan. Among them, 17.6 percent institutions are fine art museums, 59.1 percent are historical museums, 6.4 percent are comprehensive museums, and 8.2 percent (304 institutions) are science museums. By adding the remaining 8.8 percent institutions such as botanical gardens, zoological gardens, and aquarium, a total of scientific- and nature-oriented museums are attainable to about 630. Now, 232 institutions are member of the JCSM.
 The annual total attendance is approximately 280 millions, which is equal to about twice the population of Japan. The 1993 survey tells that 10.1 percent of all museums visits are to science museums, as opposed to 25.1 percent to historical museums and 16.2 percent to art museums. When averaged to one institution, the annual attendance is 94.7 thousands to science museums, 32.5 thousands to historical museums, 70.3 thousands to art museums, and 500 thousands to zoological and botanical gardens.
   In Table 1-1, we showed the detail of members of the JCSM classified into some categories for a total of 163 institutions listed in the JCSM Data Book 1996.

Table 1-1. Members of the Japanese Council of Science Museums (JCSM).


numbers ratio(%)
Science Museum   103 49.5
Comprehensive Science Mus.  41 19.7
Astronomical Observatory 3 1.4
Botanical Garden 1 0.5
Zoological Garden  3 1.5
Aquarium 9 4.3
Field Museum 1 0.5
others 2 1.0

   Table 1-2 and 1-3 present the managing board for 208 members and the year the individual institutions were opened to the public, respectively. Both the data are adopted from the JCSM Data Book 1996.

Table 1-2. Managing Board of JCSM Members.


numbers ratio(%)
Japanese Government 8 3.8
Prefectural Government 48 23.1
Local Community 90 43.3
Foundation 16 7.7
Corporate Juridical Person 3 1.4
Independent Corporation  31 14.9
Private  3 1.4
others 9 4.3

Table 1-3.  Year opened.
 year  numbers  ratio(%)
before 1900 2 1.0
1901〜1910 3 1.4
1911〜1920 1 0.5
1921〜1930 2 1.0
1931〜1941  3 1.4
1941〜1950 3 1.4
1951〜1960 24 11.5
1961〜1970 29 13.9
1971〜1980 32 15.4
1981〜1990  73 35.1
1991〜1996 35 16.8
unknown 1 0.5

   Finally, in table 1-4 we present the statistical data taken from the Guide to Industry- and Technology-oriented Museums (1997). It is easily found that most of the industry- and technology-oriented museums were found and have been managed by the independent corporations and related foundations. It seems to confirm the following remarks by Danilov (1982): In Japan, business and industry have the initiative in furthering public understanding of science and technology.

Table 1-4. Managing Board of Industry- and Technology-oriented Museums.
government independent corporation  foundation*) university
Energy(electric power)  27 6
Energy(oil, coal, gas)  5 8 2
Metal, Mine 7 6 2 1
Electricity, Communication 2 11
Chemical, Food 24 3
Shipbuilding, Heavy Industry 2 1
Printing, Precision Instrument 2 12 2
Fiber, Spinning 1 7 1 1
Railway 5 13 1
Automobile, Bicycle 9 2
Aviation, Space 7 2 2
Shipping 2 1 2
Living 3 6 1
Civil Engineering, Construction 4 4
Comprehensive  8 1 1 1
Total (ration %)    46(22%) 129(62%) 29(14%) 4(2%)

*) foundation includes agency

3. Activities

3-1. Introduction
     In this section, the activities except exhibitions - education programs, collection and research works - will be shown briefly.  
     We can divide the functions in science and technology centers into two categories such as input and output of the information on science and technology. Exhibit and educational programs are two major elements of output activities. Unlike traditional museums, educational programs are regarded to be as important as exhibition in science and technology centers. Fundamentally, the input activities such as collection of objets of intrinsic value and related research works, for example performed in natural history museums, are rare at science and technology centers except for those concerning to exhibit preparation, improvement of educational programs, or development of science educational materials. As noted in the previous section, in Japan, exhibits at science centers are usually designed and constructed by the hand of outside exhibition builders, not by the science centers staff. Therefore, the collection and/or research works as well as related facilities are recognized to be unnecessary for, in particular, physical sciences-oriented-science centers by administrators or founders (in most cases, they are officers of local governments). However, the situation is fairly different for science centers having natural history department. 

3-2. Educational Programs
   Educational programs are ranked at a higher level of activity in science centers.  Some museologist said ironically that curatorial and/or educational staff of Japanese science centers are engaged in the maintenance of exhibitions and educational activities every day.
    In most cases, curatorial and/or educational staffs have been concerned with both exhibit and education. Therefore, it is a new phenomenon that such science centers as Tiba and Ehime have two independent sections of curatorial and educational. These  science centers are fairly large facilities and opened recently. In addition, there is one more new trend: it is an adoption of support staff who are engaged in educational activities and the maintenance of exhibitions. It is familiar for a long time at the western world, but until now it has been not realized in Japan for a variety of reasons. The quality and quantity in educational activities become much more higher when compared with those of fifteen years ago and before then.
   Below, educational programs of the Tochigi Science Museum (a more exact expression of the Japanese original name will be Tochigi Comprehensive Science Center for Children) are shown as an example of very active science centers. We can find that many kinds of programs are provided for children. In addition to these programs, exhibitions of permanent and temporary exhibits, the exhibit interpretation, scientific experimental demonstrations, and planetarium shows are presented every day. Tochigi Science Museum, opened in 1988 and operated by the Tochigi Prefecture Government, is one of the largest science centers in Japan, and it has an exhibition floor of 4000 square meters.  Not so many programs are prepared for school teachers, because educational centers belonging to Educational Department of local city governments present formal training courses for them.
    Outreach services have just started in these days. Its former attempt in our country can be found in the "astro car", a mobile astronomical observatory. This project has been tried by Sapporo Science Center, Sendai Astronomical Observatory, and other several science centers. Due to the recent change of curriculum in the school education system, it is expected that science centers offer science educational programs including traveling science demonstrations.

Table 3-1. Educational programs of the Tochigi Science Museum in the period between
December 1999 and February 2000.
    Title                              date                time               objects   
1) Workshops
■paper craft                          Dec. 11 〜 Jan. 16   9:30〜16:30       all visitors
■11th seminar on fantastic sciences   Feb.11                                 age 9〜15  150 persons
■kids car club                        Jan. 23              twice             age 6〜15   20 persons, each
■treasure hunters club                March 5, 11, 12      all day           age 6〜12   20 persons, each
■reading of picture books             every Wednesday      14:30〜15:00      all visitors
■leisure time for school students     every Saturday       9:30〜16:30       age 6〜18
■mini handicraft class                2nd Saturday         twice             age 6〜adults
■origami plaza                        3rd Sunday           twice             age 6〜adult 20 persons
■variety science                      4th Sat. & Sun.      three times       all visitors
2) Planetarium shows and star watchings
◆planetarium live concert             Dec. 18, 19          night             all visitors 280 persons
◆star watching                        Dec.4, Jan.8, 29, Feb. 2   19:00-21:00 
◆planetarium live show                Jan. 8               15:00-15:45       all visitors 280 persons
◆stars and CD music show              Feb. 19              15:00-15:45       all visitors 280 persons
◆open observatory                     once, every month    13:00-15:00       all visitors    
3) Lessons
●personal computer                    Dec.26, Jan.23, Feb.27   13:00-15:00   age 6〜12  30persons
●handicraft class                     Dec.5, Feb.6         10:00-12:00       age10〜adults 30persons
●electric microscope                  Dec.4, Feb.5         10:30-12:00       all visitors   5 persons

3-3. Basic Educational Programs

    Workshops usually are 30 minutes to two-hour classroom or laboratory sessions on topics concerning to basic science and related subjects. For children, the topics are chosen from a very wide field beyond sciences. As seen in the case of Tochigi Science Museum, lessons and workshops are very popular educational programs. Therefore, except a few cases every science and technology center in Japan has own workshop programs.
    Courses are offered for children and/or adults who have an intention to learn some scientific subjects more deeply and continuously. These courses are presented at fairly large science centers in big cities. The National Science Museum in Tokyo has courses of more than five categories such as chemical experiment, history of sciences, natural history, and architecture. Osaka Science Museum offeres several kinds of courses (history of sciences, theoretical chemistry, chemical experiment, relativity, quantum mechanics, and basic astronomy) of periods ranging from three months to one year with the help of scientists at the Osaka University and the Osaka City University. 
     Most of all science centers have lectures as part of their educational programs.  Usually, lectures are presented by scientists of nearby universities or research institutions and their subjects are chosen from timely science topics. Lectures are given monthly, semi-monthly, or yearly.
Field Trips and Tours
     Field trips are familiar program as can be seen from table 3-2 for all of the member museums of the JCSM, but tours are not yet so popular.
Planetarium Shows
     More than half of the science centers have planetariums that offer astronomical and entertaining programs for adults, school students, and children. Almost all the planetariums have school programs prepared for each grade and offer them to school group at morning of weekdays. In addition to regular planetarium shows, such unusual programs as Stars and Music, Music Live Show, Laser Show, and so on. Modern computer controlled planetariums present starry sky very dramatically that attract many people to the planetarium theater. Planetariums are installed in about 350 institutions including schools, science museums, public observatories, and educational centers. Among them, 74% planetariums belong to science museums, science centers, and public observatories. This situation is proper to Japan, because its ratio reduces to 22% in the world. The planetarium system including auxiliary projectors and sound system is supplied from Goto Optical Manufacturing Co. and Minolta Planetarium Co., which are well-known planetarium makers in the world as well as Zeiss, Germany.
Large Format Film Shows
     Among the science centers, Yokohama Science Center, Omiya, Kagoshima, Osaka, and other 25 science and technology centers are equipped with a large format film projection system with very wide field fish-eye lens. The projectors are supplied from Imax Co., Canada, and two planetarium makers Goto Optical Manufacturing Co. and Minolta Planetarium Co. The large format film theater is a new comer to the world of science centers and it was welcomed with enthusiasm by the American people. But, in Japan it was impossible to watch the same scene. Nearly all the science centers with the large format film theater suffer badly from higher cost required to keep it. 
Video Shows (Film Shows)
     Nearly all science centers had film shows as a educational program until about 10 years ago, but today they are replaced with the video shows. Video shows are used not only to supplement the exhibit interpretation but as part of permanent exhibits. Television programs through the broadcasting satellite (BS) sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Science and Technology Agency started in 1999 to deliver educational programs on science and technology. Simultaneously, the BS receiver and video tapes of the TV programs were presented to some science centers. The TV programs include science demonstrations, history of science, and internal constitutions of such machines as automatic ticket examiner, microwave oven, and others. In particular, many visitors show interest in the programs concerned with processes of making such industrial products as pencils, clocks, bending tapes, and so on. These videos seems to be very educational and useful for science centers. 
Educational Publications
    Every science and technology center has the printed materials such as self-guide tour materials, newsletters, and calendars of events. Many science centers have annual program notices and instructions to school group visits. Literature on permanent exhibits is also one of the common printed materials. A recent trend in Japan is that printed materials such as quiz sheets or back-ground sheets on exhibits are specially ready for school students.
Personal Computers Services & Internet Services
    Today, personal computers are playing a more important role as a self-guide machine. These are used for exhibit interpretation, floor guide, and terminal receivers of main computers. Relating to the progress of the computer network, Internet, the Ministry of Education and JCSM have made effort to build up own network system via Internet from five or six years ago. Today, the information on member museums and related topics can be easily extracted from the home page of JCSM. In addition, Yokohama Science Center, Nagoya City Science Museum, and many other science and technology centers have own home page of Internet as shown in the directory of this paper. The computer network becomes very important tool for public relations in the world of science centers.
     Finally, we summarize educational activities of the 232 members of the JCSM in table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Educational Activities for biology oriented-, earth science oriented-, physical
science oriented-, and technology oriented-museums.

museum Lecture Course Trips Film
biology-  36 66 80 38
earth science- 38 51 60 19
physical science- 27 59 58 24
technology- 27 51 17 26

3-4 Other Educational Programs
Preschool Program
     Services for preschool children began with special planetarium shows for them in 1960's. Science centers having preschool programs are extremely limited except for the case of science centers for children and youth.
Independent Study
      In Japan, no science center offers formally independent study courses. However, with the tide of life-long-study, independent study courses should be prepared especially for adults. 
Science Fairs
      "Science fair for youth" organized by the Society of Physical Education of Japan began in 1995 and it is now one of the very familiar science events. After then, the Japan Chemical Society, the Japan Applied Physics Society, and the Japan Society of  Mechanical Engineers started similar science fairs in cooperation with local science centers. In these events, one to two hundred school teachers and scientists are involved and fifty to one hundred booth are set up to demonstrate scientific phenomena. Thesebig events are frequently featured on TV by local TV stations. 
      "Star week" fair initiated by the Society for Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy began in 1993 and now it is hosted by the Japan National Astronomical Observatory. Almost all the science centers joint to the event to appeal them to public.
Radio and Television Programs
       No science and technology centers have their own radio and TV programs. The exception is the case of Saji Astronomical Observatory. Saji located in the Tottori prefecture is one of the independent local governments and has a broadcasting system
wired to all the home within the town. A limited time for broadcasting is assigned to Saji Astronomical Observatory every week. They can talk to all the people in Saji about the activity of the Observatory, astronomical events, and other related topics.

3-5 Membership Activities
     Contradicted to the case of western world, membership activities are quite rare in Japan and restricted to science and technology centers in big cities such as the National Science Museum in Tokyo, Nagoya City Science Museum, and Osaka Science Museum. The major reason seems to be in the difference of membership activities between the western world and Japan. While membership is viewed as a tool for philanthropy in the western world, it is merely a science club in Japan. Membership activities are very costly and felt as hard work for science centers.

3-6 Collection of Objects and Research Works
     It is generally accepted still now that the science centers are not object-oriented museum and therefore collections of objects and related research works are absolutely unnecessary. In Japan, at one time this idea was exaggerated and was changed to the
opinion that all the things concerning to the collection, research work, and related facilities should be rejected from science centers. The targets to be rejected involved preparation of exhibits, evaluation of exhibits, development of educational materials, and so on. However, the circumstance is gradually changed today.      According to the statistical data in 1993, as already noted in the section of History and Outline, the mean number of curators is 1.5 persons for one science center. It seems not to be able to afford the time to do research works as well as collection of objects.
     We show in table 3-3 the content of the 23rd issue of the Publications of the Nagoya City Science Museum (1997) to demonstrate a research activity performed at a very active science center in Japan. Details of the region of collection and research work are summarized in Table 3-4 for all the members (232 institutions) of the JCSM. The figure shows the number of museums.

Table 3-3. Content of the 23rd issue of the Publications of the Nagoya City Science
Museum (1997)
Scientific analysis of the moon painted in Hiroshige's ukiyoe (Wood-brock prints)   1
Easy method to take snap photograph of falling milk drop               7
Toward the science museum where one meets very Life                                11                         
Practical use of Hi-vision astronomic images                                       17
High-vision projection of microscopic image to large audience                      23
New exhibition for the study of earth history                                      27
Production of a new style lecture including scientific experiments, music and skits :
      "Crystal Recture"                                                            35
Production of a new style live-show of interpretive reading with background music and
explanation :"Scientific Interpretation of the Stories by Kenji Miyazawa"          41
Internet in the Nagoya City Science Museum                                         47
Questionnaire results from children's science workshop                             53
International Planetarium Society '96-Post Conference in Nagoya                    57

Table 3-4. Details of the collection and the research work for all the members (232
institutions) of the JCSM.
Region                        Collection   Research
zoology                          105           74
fish                              87           52
inset/entomology                  77           52
plant/botany                      96           71
germ                              36           19
earth science                     99           64
paleontology                      79           56
anthropology                      30           16
physics                           28           16
chemistry                         23           18
astronomy                         46           31
space science                     36           14
architecture/civil engineering    17            8
mechanical engineering            35           12
electrical engineering            31           15
agriculture                       17            7
fisheries                         20           10
transport                         32           16
communication/broadcast           25            9
others                            46           38

5. Building and Facilities
   In this section, we show in brief the present status of hardware such as exhibition halls and educational facilities based on the JCSM Data Book 1996 (1996) for the institutions listed in the appendix.
   In figure 5-1, the data on floor space are displayed for the ninety-nine science and technology centers listed in the appendix to show the size distribution. The mean floor space is 6486 square meters. It can be seen from this figure that all the science and technology centers except a few large institutions are classified into the small and medium size in the meaning of Danilov (1982).
   By adopting the same notation in figure 5-1, we show the distribution of the space for permanent exhibits and temporary exhibitions in figure 5-2 and in figure 5-3, respectively. The averaged area for permanent exhibits is 2236 square meters, which corresponds to 34 percent of the floor space. The case of no reply to the question on the space for temporary exhibitions is included in the answer of no space. From these figures, we can guess that the temporary exhibitions and/or traveling exhibits are restricted to a small number of fairly large science centers.
   One of the very important facilities necessary for the daily operation of science centers is the warehouse. However, it has been sometimes ignored at the initial stage of planning by an architect in Japan. Figure 5-4 demonstrates the size distribution for warehouse. The term of "0" includes two cases of really no space for warehouse and of no reply to this question. Science centers with fairly large area for warehouse are limited to the institutions of having a department of natural history, and physical science oriented institutions lack the area or have defect in it.
   A similar trend is appeared in the work space for educational and curatorial staff, which is represented in figure 5-5.
   The classroom and/or laboratory are also important facilities for educational activities. We can find from figure 5-6 that thirty-one percent science centers have no such a facility and a half of all the institutions have one or two laboratories.

Danilov, V. J., 1982, Science and Technology Centers, The MIT Press, Cambridge
JCSM Data Book 1996, 1996, Japanese Council of Science Museums, National Science
Museum, Tokyo

Figure 5-1. Floor space distribution. Floor space is expressed in a unit of 100 square
meters like as " 0-20 ", which means the space is in the range from 0 to 2000 square

Fig. 5-2. Area for permanent exhibits. The notation is the same as figure 5-1.

Fig. 5-3. Area for temporary exhibitions. The notation is the same as figure 5-1.

Fig. 5-4. Area for warehouse. The notation is the same as figure 5-1.

Fig. 5-5. Area of work space for educational and curatorial staff. The notation is the
same as figure 5-1.

Fig. 5-6. The number of laboratories for education.


Internet Web Sites

     For more details of individual institutions and the museum community in Japan,
please refer to the following Internet web sites:

     Japanese only. The homepage of the JCSM.

     Japanese only. The homepage of the Japan Association of Museums.

     English version is available. The home page of the Internet Museum operated by
the Tansei Institution. Many museums are listed and linked in this web site.

     English version is available. Industrial and technology museums are listed.


Danilov, V. J., 1982, Science and Technology Centers, The MIT Press, Cambridge, p.38
Seki, H., 1997, An Introduction to Museology, 2nd ed., Yuzankaku Pub., in Japanese
(関 秀夫、日本博物館学入門、第2版、雄山閣出版)
Guide to Industry- and Technology-oriented Museums, 1997, in Japanese (産業技術の歴史に関する調査研究報告書、国内産業技術博物館ガイド編、発行:(社)日本機械工業連合会、(社)研究産業協会)
JCSM Data Book 1996, 1996, Japanese Council of Science Museums, National Science Museum, Tokyo (全科協データブック1996、発行:全国科学博物館協議会)
The publication of 20th year anniversary, 1957, Osaka Science Center for Electricity, Osaka(電気科学館二十年史、発行:大阪市立電気科学館)


  The directory provides a list of science and technology centers in Japan selected from the members of the JCSM by one of the authors (K. K.).  Almost all the data are taken from the JCSM Data Book 1996 and partly supplemented with the recent information. Although we have attempted to be accurate, we recognize that some information may have been missed.
  We show below an sample entry for explanation of individual terms.                
Name1:  Original name in Japanese
Name2:  Name, English representation
Address: Address
Tel:      Phone number  Fax: Facsimile
URL:    Internet homepage
Opened:  Year opened
Space1:  Total floor space in sqaure meters
Space2:  Space for temporary exhibition (m2)
Exhibits: Number of exhibits
Staff    Number of staffs including parttimer
Visitors: Anuual attendance

           A List of
 Science and Technology Centers
Name1:  札幌市青少年科学館
Name2:  Sapporo Science Center
Address: 5-2-20 Atsubetu-Cho 1-Jo, Atsubetu-Ku,
         Sapporo 004-0071
Tel:      011-892-5001  Fax: 011-894-5445
URL:    http://www.city.sapporo.jp/museum/haku
Opened:  1981
Space1:  6600  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 270  Staff:   40
Visitors: 353201
Name1:  小樽市青少年科学技術館
Name2:  Otaru Science Center
Address:  1-9-1 Midori, Otaru-City, Hokkaido
Tel:      0134-22-0031 Fax: 0134-27-1117
Opened:  1963
Space1:  1795  Space2:  209
Exhibits: 67  Staff:   12
Visitors: 55679
Name1:  旭川市青少年科学館
Name2:  Asahikawa Science Center
Address:  Tokiwa-Koen, Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Tel:      0166-22-4171 Fax: 0166-22-4300
URL:    http://users.eolas-net.ne.jp/science/
Opened:  1963
Space1:   2778  Space2:  0
Exhibits:  51    Staff:     22
Visitors:  51764
Name1:  釧路市青少年科学館
Name2:  Kushiro Science Center
Address: 1-7 Shunkodai, Kushiro-City, Hokkaido
Tel:     0154-41-6225     Fax: 0154-41-6226
URL:    http://www.kushirokagakukan-unet.ocn.
Opened:  1963
Space1:  2223  Space2:   0
Exhibits: 127  Staff:    14
Visitors: 52897
Name1:  苫小牧市科学センター
Name2:  Tomakomai City Science Center
Address:  3-1-12 Asahimachi, Tomakomai,
         Hokkaido 053-0018
Tel:      0144-33-9158 Fax: 0144-33-9159
Opened:  1970
Space1:  2496  Space2:   0
Exhibits: 70  Staff:    9
Visitors: 120073
Name1:  稚内市青少年科学館
Name2:  Wakkanai Youth & Children's Science
Address:  2 Noshapu, Wakkanai City, Hokkaido
Tel:      0162-22-5100 Fax: 0162-22-5100
URL:    http://www.city.wakkanai.hokkaido.
Opened:  1974
Space1:  1832  Space2:   0
Exhibits: 37  Staff:    4
Visitors: 22179
Name1:  盛岡市子ども科学館
Name2:  Morioka Children's Museum of Science
Address:  13-1 Motomiya Aza Hebiyashiki,
         Morioka City 020-0000
Tel:      0196-34-1171 Fax: 0196-35-2561
Opened:  1983
Space1:  4145  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 73  Staff:    14
Visitors: 153274
Name1:  秋田県立農業博物館
Name2:  Akita Prefectural Agricultural Science
Address:  171-4 Uchiotomo Aza Nakazawa,
         Oomagari, Akita 014-0073
Tel:      0187-68-2300 Fax: 0187-68-2351
URL:    http://www.edu-c.pref.akita.jp/-mus-agri/
Opened:  1991
Space1:  3949  Space2:  94
Exhibits:   Staff:   17
Visitors: 31875
Name1:  秋田大学鉱山学部附属鉱業博物館
Name2:  Mineral Industry Museum
Address: 28-2 Tegata Osawa, Akita City 010-0851
Tel:      0188-89-2461 Fax:
URL: http://www.mus.akita-u.ac.jp/
Opened: 1965
Space1:  3883  Space2: 29
Exhibits: 1500  Staff:    15
Visitors: 5206
Name1:  仙台市こども宇宙館
Name2:  Sendai Children's Space Center
Address:  1-8-6 Izumichuo, Izumi-Ku, Sandai-City,
         Miyagi-Ken 981-3133
Tel:      022-373-0999 Fax: 022-373-0388
Opened:  1990
Space1:  8851  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 17  Staff:    20
Visitors: 146132
Name1:   仙台市科学館
Name2:   Sendai Science Museum
Address:  4-1 Dainohara-Shinrin-Koen, Aoba-Ku,
         Sendai, Miyagi 981-0903
Tel:      022-276-2201 Fax: 022-276-2204
URL:    http;//www.smus.city.sendai.jp/
Opened:  1990
Space1:  12208  Space2:  675
Exhibits: 3000  Staff:    23
Visitors: 208437
Name1:  郡山市児童文化会館
Name2:   Koriyama Children's Culture Center
Address: 1-1-1 Kaisei, Koriyama-Shi, Fukushima-
Ken 963-8851
Tel:      0249-32-5326 Fax:
Opened: 1979
Space1:  1805  Space2:  279
Exhibits: 104  Staff:    6
Visitors: 92275
Name1:  いわき市石炭化石館
Name2:  Iwaki Coal and Fossil Museum
Address: 3-1 Mukaida. Johbanyumoto-Machi,
Iwaki-Shi, Fukushima-Ken 972-8321
Tel:      0246-42-3155 Fax: 0246-42-3157
Opened:  1984
Space1:  4599  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 1520  Staff:    16
Visitors: 289007
Name1:  栃木県子ども総合科学館
Name2:  Tochigi Science Museum
Address:  567 Nishikawadamachi, Utsunomiya-
         Shi, Tochigi-Ken 321-0151
Tel:      028-659-5555 Fax: 028-659-5353
URL:    http://www.tsm.utsunomiya.tochigi.jp/
Opened:  1988
Space1:  7122  Space2:  220
Exhibits: 200  Staff:    51
Visitors: 539965
Name1:   日立シビックセンター科学館
Name2:   Hitachi City Science Station
Address:  1-21-1 Saiwai-Cho, Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-
         Ken 317--0073
Tel:      0294-24-7731 Fax: 0294-24-7975
URL:    http://www.civic.or.jp/science/
Opened:  1990
Space1:  4195  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   23
Visitors: 48850
Name1:  つくばエキスポセンター
Name2:  Tsukuba Expo Center
Address:  2-9 Azuma, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki
Tel:      0298-58-1100 Fax: 0298-58-1107
URL:    http://www.renkei.or.jp/tsukuba/
Opened:  1986
Space1:  10123  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   7
Visitors: 123656
Name1:   群馬県生涯学習センター少年科学館
Name2:   Gunma Science Museum for Children
Address:  2-19-18 Bunkyo-Tyo, Maebashi-Shi,
         Gunma 371-0801
Tel:      0272-24-5700 Fax: 0272-21-4082
Opened:  1986
Space1:  3854  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 42  Staff:    11
Visitors: 119633
Name1:   高崎市少年科学館
Name2:   Takasaki Municipal Science Hall for
Address:  1-23 Suehirocho, Takasakishi, Gunma
Tel:      0273-25-0681 Fax: 0273-25-0937
Opened:  1984
Space1:  6585  Space2:  70
Exhibits: 37  Staff:    12
Visitors: 96900
Name1:   向井千秋記念子ども科学館
Name2:   Mukai Chiaki Children's Science
Address:  2-2 Shiromachi, Tatebayasi, Gunma
Tel:      0276-75-1515 Fax: 0276-75-1433
URL:    http://www.tatebayashi.ne.jp/-science/
Opened:  1991
Space1:  4977  Space2:  99
Exhibits: 5000  Staff:    14
Visitors: 74435
Name1:   浦和市青少年宇宙科学館
Name2:   Urawa Youth Astronomical Museum
Address:  2-3-45 Komaba, Urawa-Shi, Saitama-
         Ken 336-0908
Tel:      048-881-1515 Fax: 048-882-9702
URL:    http://www.ipr.ne.jp/-cosmos/
Opened:  1988
Space1:  6311  Space2:  142
Exhibits: 200  Staff:    14
Visitors: 109251
Name1:  越谷市立児童館コスモス
Name2:   Cosmos Scientific Museum for Children
Address:  277 Kamimakuri, Koshigaya-City,
         Saitama 343-0043
Tel:      0489-78-1515 Fax: 0489-78-6480
Opened:  1987
Space1:  2874  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 50  Staff:    11
Visitors: 113264
Name1:   所沢航空発祥記念館
Name2:   Tokoroza Aviation Museum
Address:  1-13 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama
Tel:      0429-96-2225 Fax: 0429-96-2531
URL:    http://tam-web.jsf.or.jp/
Opened:  1992
Space1:  5261  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 200  Staff:   14
Visitors: 209177
Name1:   東金こども科学館
Name2:   Togane Science Center
Address:  1-2107-3 Yasakadai, Togane-Shi, Chiba
Tel:      0475-55-6211 Fax: 0475-55-6216
Opened:  1987
Space1:  504  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:    2
Visitors: 16113
Name1:   千葉県立現代産業科学館
Name2:   Chiba Museum of Science and Industry
Address:  1-1-3 Onitaka, Ichikawa-City, Chiba
Tel:      0473-79-2000 Fax: 0473-79-2221
URL:    http://www.chiba-muse.or.jp/science/
Opened:  1994
Space1:  5150  Space2:  191
Exhibits: 640  Staff:    47
Visitors: 220193
Name1:   交通博物館
Name2:   Transportation Museum
Address:  1-25 Kanda-Suda-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku,
         Tokyo 101-0041
Tel:      03-3251-8481 Fax: 03-3251-8489
URL: http://www.kouhaku.or.jp/
Opened:  1921
Space1:  7554  Space2:  100
Exhibits: 2000  Staff:    16
Visitors: 403749
Name1:   逓信総合博物館
Name2:   Communications Museum
Address:  2-3-1 Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3244-6821 Fax: 03-3244-6820
URL:    http:/www.iptp.go.jp
Opened:  1964
Space1:  30644  Space2:  1316
Exhibits:   Staff:   29
Visitors: 364879
Name1:   NHK放送博物館
Name2:   NHK Broadcast Museum
Address:  2-1-1 Atago, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0002
Tel:      03-5400-6900 Fax: 03-5401-1539
URL:    http:/www.nhk.or.jp/bunken/museum-jp/
Opened:  1956
Space1:  1163  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 250  Staff:   15
Visitors: 74501
Name1:   機械産業記念館
Name2:   TEPIA
Address:  2-8-44 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-5474-6111 Fax: 03-5474-6112
URL:    http://www.tepia.or.jp
Opened:  1989
Space1:  2324  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:    35
Visitors: 33034
Name1:  労働省産業安全研究所附属産業安全
Name2:  Indutrial Safety Museum
Address:  5-35-1 Shiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3453-7441 Fax: 03-3452-6565
URL:    http://www.anken.go.jp/gijyutukan/
Opened:  1943
Space1:  15373  Space2:  333
Exhibits:   Staff:   6
Visitors: 32113
Name1:   東京消防庁消防防災資料センター
Name2:   Tokyo Fire Department Fire Museum
Address:  3-10 Yotuya, Shinjuju-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3353-9119 Fax: 03-3353-9925
Opened:  1992
Space1:  8041  Space2:  184
Exhibits: 300  Staff:    21
Visitors: 107407
Name1:   国立科学博物館
Name2:   National Science Museum
Address:  7-20 Ueno-Koen, Taito-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3822-0111 Fax: 03-5814-9898
URL:     http://www.kahaku.go.jp/
Opened:  1877
Space1:  51542  Space2:  322
Exhibits: 10000  Staff:    164
Visitors: 1040003
Name1:   ガスの科学館
Name2:   Gas Science Center
Address:  6-3-16 Toyosu, Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135-0061
Tel:      03-3534-1111 Fax: 03-3534-1643
URL:    http://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/
Opened:  1986
Space1:  5910  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 109  Staff:    35
Visitors: 97214
Name1:   東武博物館
Name2:   Tobu Museum of Transport & Culture
Address:  4-28-16 Higashi-Mukojima, Sumida-Ku,
         Tokyo 131-0032
Tel:      03-3614-8811 Fax: 03-3614-8814
URL:    http://www.tobu.co.jp/museum/
Opened:  1989
Space1:  2928  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 700  Staff:    24
Visitors: 85617
Name1:   科学技術館
Name2:   Science Museum, Tokyo
Address:  2-1 Kitanomaru-Koen, Chiyoda-ku,
         Tokyo 102-0091
Tel:      03-3212-8544     Fax: 03-3212-8540
URL:    http://www.jsf.or.jp/
Opened:  1964
Space1:  25164    Space2:  650
Exhibits: 300   Staff: 49
Visitors: 517864
Name1:   たばこと塩の博物館
Name2:   Tabacco and Salt Musuem
Address:  1-16-8 Jinnan, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3476-2041 Fax: 03-3476-5692
URL:    http://www.jtnet.ad.jp/WWW/JT/Culture/
Opened:  1978
Space1:  3213  Space2:  286
Exhibits: 1000  Staff:    16
Visitors: 155195
Name1:  天文博物館五島プラネタリウム
Name2:  Gotoh Planetarium Astronomical
Address:  2-21-2 Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3407-7409 Fax: 03-3797-7354
URL:    http://www.f-space.co.jp/goto-planet/
Opened:  1956
Space1:  1789  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 120  Staff:    16
Visitors: 202304
Name1:   電力館
Name2:   Tepco Electric Energy Museum
Address:  1-12-10 Jinnan, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3477-1191 Fax: 03-3477-1399
URL:     http://www5.mediagalaxy.co.jp/
Opened:  1984
Space1:  7000  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 73  Staff:    52
Name1:   板橋区立教育科学館
Name2:   Itabashi Science and Education Hall
Address:  4-14-1 Tokiwadai, Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3559-6561 Fax: 03-3559-6000
Opened:  1988
Space1:  1920  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   38
Visitors: 204965
Name1:   葛飾区郷土と天文の博物館
Name2:   Katushika City Museum
Address:  3-25-1 Shiratori, Katsushika-Ku, Tokyo
Tel:      03-3838-1101 Fax: 03-5680-0849
URL:     http://www.obs.misato.wakayam.jp/
Opened:  1991
Space1:  4993
Space2:  114
Exhibits: 15
Staff:    15
Visitors: 64317
Name1:   東京農工大学工学部附属繊維博物館
Name2:   Museum of Fiber Science and
Address:  2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei-Shi, Tokyo
Tel:      0423-88-7163 Fax: 0423-88-7163
URL:    http://www.tuat.ac.jp/-museum/
Opened:  1886
Space1:  3008  Space2:  153
Exhibits: 700  Staff:    5
Visitors: 12556
Name1:   船の科学館
Name2:   Museum of Maritime Science
Address:  3-1 Higashiyashio, Shinagawa-Ku,
         Tokyo 135-0092
Tel:      03-5500-1111 Fax: 03-5500-1190
URL:    http://www.funenokagakukan.or.jp/
Opened:  1974
Space1:  16869  Space2:  300
Exhibits: 978  Staff:    89
Visitors: 634194
Name1:   サンシャインプラネタリウム
Name2:   Sunshine Planetarium
Address:  3-1 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-Ku,
         Tokyo 170-0013
Tel:      03-3989-3475 Fax: 03-5950-0991
URL:    http://www.sunshinecity.co.jp/
Opened:  1978
Space1: 531            Space2:         0
Exhibits:   Staff:    7
Visitors: 286354
Name1:   北トピア科学館
Name2:   Hokutopia Science Museum
Address:  1-11-1 Oji, Kita-Ku, Tokyo 114-0002
Tel:      03-5390-1224 Fax: 03-5390-1147
Opened:  1990
Space1:  1365  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:    13
Visitors: 57880
Name1:   地下鉄博物館
Name2:   Subway Museum
Address:  6-3-1 Higashi Kasai, Edogawa-Ku,
         Tokyo 134-0084
Tel:      03-3878-5011 Fax: 03-3878-5012
URL:    http://www.tokyometro.go.jp/ttjin/
Opened:  1986
Space1:  3566  Space2:  65
Exhibits: 600  Staff:    26
Visitors: 132743
Name1:   多摩六都科学館
Name2:   Tamarokuto Science Center
Address:  5-10-64 Shibakubo-Cho, Tanashi-Shi,
         Tokyo 188-0014
Tel:      0424-69-6100 Fax: 0424-69-4152
URL:    http://www.tamarokuto.or.jp/
Opened:  1994
Space1:  6498  Space2:  125
Exhibits: 114  Staff:    13
Visitors: 168130
Name1:   横浜こども科学館
Name2:   Yokohama Science Center
Address:  5-2-1 Yokodai, Isogo-Ku, Yokohama-Shi,
         Kanagawa 235-0045
Tel:      045-832-1166 Fax: 045-832-1161
URL:    http://www.city.yokohama.jp/yhspot/ysc/
Opened:  1984
Space1:  6484  Space2:  247
Exhibits: 163  Staff:    34
Visitors: 263011
Name1:   神奈川県立青少年センター
Name2:   Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center
Address:  9-1 Momijigaoka, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama-
         Shi, Kanagawa 220-0044
Tel:      045-241-3131 Fax: 045-241-7088
URL:    http://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/osirase/02/
Opened:  1962
Space1:  13859  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 58  Staff:    101
Visitors: 591646
Name1:   川崎市青少年科学館
Name2:   Kawasaki Municipal Science Museum
         for Youth
Address:  7-1-2 Masugata, Tama-Ku, Kawasaki-
         Shi, Kanagawa 214-0032
Tel:      044-922-4731 Fax: 044-934-8659
URL:    http//www.kawasaki.tao.or.jp/
Opened:  1971
Space1:  1444  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 10500  Staff:    14
Visitors: 48378
Name1:   東芝科学館
Name2:   Toshiba Science Institute
Address:  1 Komukai-Toshiba-Cho, Saiwai-Ku,
         Kawasaki-Shi, Kanagawa 210-0901
Tel:      044-549-2200 Fax: 044-520-1500
URL:    http://www2.toshiba.co.jp/kakan/
Opened:  1961
Space1:  3895  Space2:  641
Exhibits: 70  Staff:    41
Visitors: 149002
Name1:   伊勢原市立子ども科学館
Name2:   Isehara Science Center
Address:  76 Tanaka, Isehara-Shi, Kanagawa
Tel:      0463-92-3600 Fax: 0463-92-3601
Opened:  1989
Space1:  2676  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 100  Staff:    13
Visitors: 66017
Name1:   新潟県立自然科学館
Name2:   Niigata Science Museum
Address:  2010-15 Hasugata Higashi, Meike,
         Niigata-Shi, Niigata 950-0941
Tel:      025-283-3331 Fax: 025-283-3336
URL:    http://www.lalanet.gr.jp/nsm/index.html
Opened:  1981
Space1:  15315  Space2:  800
Exhibits: 164  Staff:    44
Visitors: 241512
Name1:   新潟県立上越科学館
Name2:   Joetsu Science Museum
Address:  446-2 Shimomonzen, Joetsu-City,
         Niigata 942-0063
Tel:      0255-44-2122 Fax: 0255-44-0441
Opened:  1984
Space1:  4351  Space2:  197
Exhibits: 9  Staff:    13
Visitors: 66052
Name1:   電源開発奥只見電力館
Name2:   Okutadami Electric Exhibition Hall
Address:  Imokawa, Yunotanimura,
         Kitauonumagun, Niigata 946-0082
Tel:      02579-5-2059 Fax: 02579-5-2059
Opened:  1973
Space1:  406  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 11
Staff:    7
Visitors: 52460
Name1:   富山市科学文化センター
Name2:   Toyama Science Museum
Address:  1-8-31 Nishinakano Machi, Toyama
         City, Toyama 939-8084
Tel:      0764-91-2123 Fax: 0764-21-5950
URL:    http://www.tsm.toyama.toyama.jp/
Opened:  1979
Space1:  6688  Space2:  209
Exhibits: 300  Staff:    25
Visitors: 105995
Name1:   黒部市吉田科学館
Name2:   Kurobe Yoshida Science Museum
Address:  574-1 Yoshida, Kurobe-Shi, Toyama
Tel:      0765-57-0610 Fax: 0764-57-0630
URL:    http://www3.nsknet.or.jp/-kagakukan/
Opened:  1986
Space1:  1804  Space2:  285
Exhibits: 5  Staff:    6
Visitors: 29366
Name1:   大町エネルギー博物館
Name2:   Omachi Energy Museum
Address:  2112-38 Taira, Omachi-City, Nagano
Tel:      0261-22-7770 Fax: 0261-22-7770
URL:    http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ume3/fmt.htm
Opened:  1982
Space1:  1698  Space2:  100
Exhibits: 69  Staff:    6
Visitors: 48324
Name1:   松本市科学博物館
Name2:   Matsumoto-Shi Science Museum
Address:  2930-1 Satoyamabe, Matsumoto-City,
         Nagano 390-0221
Tel:      0263-32-7600 Fax: 0263-32-7604
Opened:  1983
Space1:  1449  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 19  Staff:    11
Visitors: 28487
Name1:   山梨県立科学館
Name2:  Yamanashi Prefectural Science Center
Address: new
Tel:      new  Fax:
URL:    http://www.kagakukan.pref.yamanashi.
Opened:  1999
Space1:  6498  Space2: 490
Exhibits: 100  Staff:  28
Visitors: 129788
Name1:   岐阜天文台
Name2:   Gifu Astronomical Observatory
Address:  Yanaizu, Hashima, Gifu 501-6122
Tel:      058-279-1353 Fax: 058-279-1353
Opened:  1971
Space1:  510  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 300  Staff:    18
Visitors: 15881
Name1:   岐阜市科学館
Name2:   Gifu City Science Museum
Address:  3456-41 Honjo, Gifu-City, Gifu 500-8389
Tel:      058-272-1333 Fax: 058-272-1303
URL:    http://www.city.gifu.gifu.jp/docs/event/
Opened:  1955
Space1:  4120  Space2:  211
Exhibits: 115  Staff:    10
Visitors: 106506
Name1:   かかみがはら航空宇宙博物館
Name2:   Kagamihara Aerospace Museum
Address:  5-1 Shimogiri-Cho, Kagamihara City,
         Gifu 504-0924
Tel:      0583-86-8500 Fax: 0583-86-9912
URL:    http://www.pref.gifu.jp/kagamihara/
Opened:  1996
Space1:  8476  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   20
Name1:   内藤記念くすり博物館
Name2:   Naito Museum of Pharamaceutical
         Science and Industry
Address:  Kawashima-Cho, Hashima-Gun, Gifu
Tel:      058689-2101 Fax: 058689-2197
URL:    http://www.eisai.co.jp/museum/
Opened:  1971
Space1:  3545  Space2:  200
Exhibits: 3000  Staff:    13
Visitors: 45109
Name1:   浜松科学館
Name2:   Hamamatsu Science Museum
Address:  256-3 Kitaterajima-Cho, Hamamatsu-
         Shi, Shizuoka 430-0923
Tel:      053-454-0178 Fax: 053-454-0184
URL:    http://www.kagakukan.city.hamamatsu.
Opened:  1986
Space1:  6892  Space2:  897
Exhibits: 146  Staff:    25
Visitors: 156504
Name1:  東海大学海洋科学博物館
Name2:  Marine Science Museum Tokai
Address:  2389 Miho, Shimizu-City, Shizuoka
Tel:      0543-34-2385 Fax: 0543-35-7095
URL:    http://www.scc.u-tokai.ac.jp/sectu/
Opened:  1970
Space1:  6379  Space2:  60
Exhibits: 6597  Staff:    35
Visitors: 376259
Name1:   東海大学人体科学博物館
Name2:  Human Science Museum Tokai
Address:  2407 Miho, Shimizu-City, Shizuoka
Tel:      0543-34-2385 Fax: 0543-35-7095
URL:     http://www.scc.u-tokai.ac.jp/sectu/
Opened:  1973
Space1:  1423  Space2:  610
Exhibits: 370  Staff:    4
Visitors: 343544
Name1:   でんきの科学館
Name2:   Electricity Museum
Address: 2-2-5 Sakae, Naka-Ku, Nagoya-Shi,
         Aichi-Ken 460-0008
Tel:      052-201-1026 Fax: 052-220-1280
URL:    http://www.chuden.co/e-museum/
Opened:  1986
Space1:  6000  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 400  Staff:    22
Visitors: 534795
Name1:   名古屋市科学館
Name2:   Nagoya City Science Museum
Address:  2-17-1 Sakae, Naka-Ku, Nagoya-Shi,
         Aichi 460-0008
Tel:      052-201-4486 Fax: 052-203-0788
URL:    http://www.ncsm.city.nagoya.jp/
Opened:  1962
Space1:  21687  Space2:  546
Exhibits: 255  Staff:    45
Visitors: 684841
Name1:   トヨタ博物館
Name2:   Toyota Automobile Museum
Address:  41-100 Yokomichi, Nagakute-Cho, Aichi
Tel:      0561-63-5151 Fax: 0561-63-5159
URL:    http://www.toyota.co.jp/Museum/
Opened:  1989
Space1:  11000  Space2:  600
Exhibits: 400  Staff:    28
Visitors: 190004
Name1:   半田空の科学館
Name2:   Handa Space Science Museum
Address:  80-32 Minami-Futatsuzakacho, Handa-
         Shi, Aichi 475-0926
Tel:      0569-23-7175 Fax: 0569-24-6466
URL:    http://www.city.handa.aichi.jp/
Opened:  1985
Space1:  3634  Space2:  169
Exhibits:   Staff:   8
Visitors: 204347
Name1:   神宮徴古館農業館
Name2:  Jingu Museum of History and
Address:  1754 Koudakuzimoto-Cho, Ise-Shi, Mie
Tel:      0596-22-1700 Fax: 0596-22-5515
Opened:  1909
Space1:  4374  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 551  Staff:    18
Visitors: 47895
Name1:   京都市青少年科学センター
Name2:   Kyoto Municipal Science Center for
Address:  13 Ikenouchi-Cho, Fukakusa, Fushimi-
         Ku, Kyoto City 612-0031
Tel:      075-642-1601 Fax: 075-642-1605
URL:    http://www.city.kyoto.jp/kyoiku/science/
Opened:  1969
Space1:  9675  Space2:  100
Exhibits: 126  Staff:    54
Visitors: 71483
Name1:   大阪市立科学館
Name2:   Science Museum of Osaka
Address:  4-2-1 Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku, Osaka
Tel:      06-6444-5656 Fax: 06-6444-5657
URL:    http://www.sci-museum.kita.osaka.jp/
Opened:  1989
Space1:  9039  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 133  Staff:    43
Visitors: 584627
Name1:   毎日放送 放送文化館
Name2:   Mainichi Broadecasting Museum
Address:  1-1 Senriokakita, Suita City, Osaka
Tel:      06-6878-5141 Fax: 06-6877-0980
URL:    http://mbs.co.jp/mbs/bunkakan/
Opened:  1979
Space1:  4061  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   7
Visitors: 48967
Name1:   大阪科学技術館
Name2:   Ostec Exhibition Hall
Address:  1-8-4 Utsubo Hommachi, Nishi-Ku,
         Osaka 550-0004
Tel:      06-6443-5321 Fax: 06-6443-5310
URL:    http://www.ostec.or.jp/pop1.html
Opened:  1963
Space1:      Space2:   0
Exhibits:   Staff:   14
Visitors: 290595
Name1:   交通科学博物館
Name2:   Modern Transportation Museum
Address:  3 Namiyoke, Minato-Ku, Osaka
Tel:      06-6581-5771 Fax: 06-
URL:    http://www.mtm.or.jp/
Opened:  1962
Space1:  7845    Space2:  732
Exhibits: 800   Staff: 16
Visitors: 287181
Name1:   神戸海洋博物館
Name2:   Kobe Maritime Museum
Address:  2-2 Hatoba-Cho, Chuo-Ku, Kobe-Shi,
         Hyogo 650-0042
Tel:      078-391-6751 Fax: 078-332-4739
URL: http://www.marine.or.jp/kobe/sisetu/kobekou/
Opened:  1987
Space1:  7564  Space2:  353
Exhibits: 4550  Staff:    25
Visitors: 256101
Name1:   神戸市立青少年科学館
Name2:   Kobe Science Museum
Address:  7-7-6 Minatojimamaka-Machi, Chuo-Ku,
         Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046
Tel:      078-302-5177 Fax: 078-302-4816
URL:    http://www.ksm.or.jp/
Opened:  1984
Space1:  12380  Space2:  700
Exhibits: 430  Staff:   50
Visitors: 405726
Name1:   姫路科学館
Name2:   Himeji City Science Museum
Address:  1470-15 Aoyama, Himeji-Shi, Hyogo
Tel:      0792-67-3001 Fax: 0792-67-3959
URL:    http://www.memenet.or.jp/users/atom
Opened:  1993
Space1:  7812  Space2:  225
Exhibits: 1203  Staff:    27
Visitors: 92955
Name1:   明石市立天文科学館
Name2:   Akashi Municipal Planetarium
Address:  2-6 Hitomaru-Cho, Akashi-Shi, Hyogo
Tel:      078-911-5826 Fax: 078-914-1308
URL:    http://www.am12.akashi.hyogo.jp/
Opened:  1960
Space1:  3260  Space2:  74
Exhibits:   Staff:   5
Visitors: 119937
Name1:   史跡・生野銀山と生野鉱物館
Name2:   Ikuno Silver Mine
Address:  33-5 Aza-Otani-Suji, Kono, Ikuno-Cho,
         Asago-Gun, Hyogo 679-3324
Tel:      0796-79-2010 Fax: 0796-79-2755
Opened:  1963
Space1:    Space2:  0
Exhibits: 2300  Staff:    18
Visitors: 197646
Name1:   和歌山市立こども科学館
Name2:   Children Science Museum
Address:  19 Yoriai-Town, Wakayama-City,
         Wakayama 640-8214
Tel:      0734-32-0002 Fax: 0734-32-0004
URL:    http://www.ajhs.wakayama-u.ac.jp/
Opened:  1981
Space1: 2008  Space2:  95
Exhibits: 2445  Staff:    13
Visitors: 26720
Name1:   白浜エネルギーランド
Name2:   Shirahama Energy Land
Address:  3083 Shirahama-Cho, Nishimuro-Gun,
         Wakayama 649-2211
Tel:      0739-43-2666 Fax: 0739-43-1824
Opened:  1986
Space1:  3500  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 10  Staff:    28
Visitors: 308404
Name1:   日原天文台
Name2:   Nichihara Observatory
Address:  801-8 Makurase, Nichihara-Town,
         Kanoashi-Gun, Simane 699-5207
Tel:      08567-4-1646 Fax: 08567-4-1234
URL:    http://www.iwami.or.jp/polaris/index.htm
Opened:  1985
Space1:  578  Space2:  0
Exhibits:   Staff:   4
Visitors: 14346
Name1:   倉敷科学センター
Name2:   Kurashiki Science Center
Address:  940 Fukudacho Koshinden, Kurashiki-
         Shi, Okayama 712-8046
Tel:      086-454-0300 Fax: 086-454-0305
URL:    http://www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp/
Opened:  1993
Space1:  9656  Space2:  135
Exhibits: 45  Staff:    23
Visitors: 142412
Name1:   吉備高原ニューサイエンス館
Name2:   Kibi Kohgen New Science Center
Address:  4124-5 Yoshikawa, Kayoh-Cho, Jobo-
         Gun, Okayama 716-1241
Tel:      0866-56-7833 Fax: 0866-56-7931
Opened:  1985
Space1:  1395  Space2:  187
Exhibits: 300
Staff:    6
Visitors: 113049
Name1:   岡山天文博物館
Name2:   Okayama Astronomical Museum
Address:  3037-5 Honjo, Kamogata-Cho, Asakuchi-
         Gun, Okayama 719-0232
Tel:      08654-4-2465 Fax: 08654-4-2465
URL:    http://www.rweb.ne.jp/astro/index.html
Opened:  1960
Space1:  605  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 58  Staff:    4
Visitors: 28405
Name1:   広島市交通科学館
Name2:   Hiroshima City Transportation Museum
Address:  2-12-2 Chorakuji, Asaminami-Ku,
         Hiroshima 731-0143
Tel:      082-878-6211 Fax:     082-878-3128
URL:     http://www.vehicle.city.hiroshima.jp
Opened:  1995
Space1:  17564  Space2:  180
Exhibits: 2500  Staff:    17
Visitors: 37501
Name1:   広島市こども文化科学館
Name2:   Hiroshima Children's Museum
Address:  5-83 Moto-Machi, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima
         City, Hiroshima 730-0011
Tel:      082-222-5346 Fax: 082-222-7020
Opened:  1980
Space1:  4683  Space2:  258
Exhibits: 50  Staff:    16
Visitors: 418230
Name1:   広島市健康づくりセンター 健康科学館
Name2:   Hiroshima Health Science Museum
Address:  3-8-6 Sendamachi, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima-
         Shi, Hiroshima 730-0052
Tel:      082-246-9100 Fax: 082-246-9109
Opened:  1989
Space1:  11945  Space2:  140
Exhibits:   Staff:   8
Visitors: 40214
Name1:   広島市江波山気象館
Name2:   Ebayama Museum of Meteorology
Address:  1-40-1 Ebaminami, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima
         City, Hiroshima 730-0835
Tel:      082-231-0177 Fax: 082-234-1013
Opened:  1992
Space1:  400  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 14  Staff:    5
Visitors: 37956
Name1:   愛媛県総合科学博物館
Name2:   Ehime Prefectural Science Museum
Address:  2133-2 Ohjohin, Niihama-Shi, Ehime
Tel:      0897-40-4100 Fax: 0897-40-4101
URL:    http://www.pref.ehime.jp/sisetu/
Opened:  1994
Space1:  17400  Space2:  380
Exhibits: 932  Staff:    49
Visitors: 170727
Name1:   九州エネルギー館
Name2:   Kyushu Energy Science Center
Address:  4-13-55 Yakuin, Chuo-Ku, Fukuoka-Shi,
         Fukuoka 810-0022
Tel:      092-522-2333 Fax: 092-524-4289
URL:    http://www.kyuden.co.jp/Public-Relations
Opened:  1982
Space1:  2912  Space2:  168
Exhibits:   Staff:    24
Visitors: 189203
Name1:   福岡市立少年科学文化会館
Name2:  Fukuoka City Children's Science &
         Culture Center
Address:  2-5-27 Maizuru, Chuo-Ku, Fukuoka
         City, Fukuoka 810-0073
Tel:      092-771-8861 Fax: 092-771-8863
URL:    http://www.ip.kyusan-u.ac.jp/J/astro/syo/
Opened:  1971
Space1:  2595  Space2:  120
Exhibits: 140  Staff:    15
Visitors: 207159
Name1:   北九州市立交通科学館
Name2:   KitaKyushu Museum of Transportation
         Science Technology
Address:  1-1 Shii-Koen, Kokuraminami-Ku,
         Kitakyuushu-Shi, Fukuoka 803-0983
Tel:      093-961-4301 Fax: 093-961-4301
Opened:  1985
Space1:  1980  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 150  Staff:    5
Visitors: 48371
Name1:   宇宙博物館
Name2:   Space Museum
Address:  900-1 Edamitsu, Yahata-Higashi-Ku,
         Kitakyuushu-Shi, Fukuoka 805-0002
Tel:      093-672-3100 Fax: 093-672-3030
URL:    http://www.spaceworld-inc.co.jp/
Opened:  1991
Space1:  600  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 75  Staff:    6
Visitors: 379400
Name1:   北九州市立児童文化科学館
Name2:   Kitakyushu Children's Culture and
         Science Museum
Address:  3-1-5 Momozono, Yahatahigashi-Ku,
         Kitakyushu-Shi, Fukuoka 805-0068
Tel:      093-671-4566 Fax: 093-671-4566
URL:    http://www.city.kitakyushu.jp/~k7904200
Opened:  1960
Space1:  5471  Space2:  130
Exhibits: 59  Staff:    16
Visitors: 93285
Name1:   福岡県青少年科学館
Name2:   Fukuoka Science Museum
Address:  1713 Higashikushihara-Machi, Kurume-
         Shi, Fukuoka 830-0003
Tel:      0942-37-5566 Fax: 0942-37-3770
URL:    http://www.kttnet.co.jp/science/
Opened:  1990
Space1:  8039  Space2:  218
Exhibits: 149  Staff:    31
Visitors: 235185
Name1:   海洋科学館
Name2:   Oita Prefectural Marine Culture Center
Address:  Takenoura Gouchi, Kamae-Town,
         Minamiamabe-Gun, Oita 876-2301
Tel:      0972-42-1311 Fax: 0972-42-1531
URL:    http://www.kansai.ne.jp/mcc/
Opened:  1992
Space1:  18537  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 500  Staff:    16
Visitors: 36512
Name1:   宮崎科学技術館
Name2:  Miyazaki Science Center
Address:  38-3 Miyawaki-Cho, Miyazaki-Shi,
         Miyazaki 880-0877
Tel:      0985-23-2700 Fax: 0985-23-0791
URL:    http://www.miyazaki-nw.or.jp/cosmoland/
Opened:  1987
Space1:  6419  Space2:  228
Exhibits: 68  Staff:    21
Visitors: 163611
Name1:   宮崎大学農学部農業博物館
Name2:   Agricultural Museum
Address:  1-1 Gakuenkibanadainishi, Miyazaki-
         Shi, Miyazaki 889-2155
Tel:      0985-58-2811 Fax: 0985-58-2884
URL:    http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/-a0e101u/
Opened:  1935
Space1:  758  Space2:  0
Exhibits: 1717  Staff:    3
Visitors: 4567
Name1:   鹿児島市立科学館
Name2:   Kagoshima Municipal Science Hall
Address:  2-31-18 Kamoike, Kagoshima-City,
         Kagoshima 890-0063
Tel:      099-250-8511 Fax: 099-256-1319
URL:    http://www.synapse.ne.jp/-kmsh-science/
Opened:  1990
Space1:  3978  Space2:  148
Exhibits: 99  Staff:    14
Visitors: 135295